Monday 29 August 2016

15k miles & 7k rpm

Out for a bit of a run today, left her in 2nd a little too long and found out the ECU rev limiter is working fine! A puff of white smoke from the exhaust and no more power as the engine saves itself from over revving.

Once home the ECU memory feature indicates the 7,000 max revs from its previous run.
I suppose thats one way to know the tachometer is correctly calibrated!

Milestone 15,001 miles on the clock now.

The red tape pointers on the speedo are typical continental European speeds 50, 90 & 120kph, to save me trying to read the tiny kph font on the clock when driving.

The digit decals on my smiths clocks lifting from their black backgrounds after too much hot weather running over the years.

Update - re revs, looks like no harm done, subsequent 80mile run shows no problems and everything running as normal, I guess put it down to driver error, thinking about installing an in my face shift light...