Belt & braces - I have not experienced any issue with the bonnet fastening security; however this simple mod ensures there is no lateral movement in the sides and should remove any chance of the bonnet flexing and pushing the catches open.
I decided to tap the top tube to try and minimise impact on the chassis rail integrity; drilled 4.8mm holes tapped out to M6 & some cut down bolts as pins. Finally bought myself a tap wrench, much easier with the right tool for the job:
M6 60mm stainless bolts cut down to approx 45mm, end chamfered on the grinder then installed finger tight with thread lock to stop them shaking loose:
Marking up the bonnet: first the offside located on its catches to mark up the holes on the nearside then vice versa; The holes in the bonnet rail were opened up to M8 so installing and removing the bonnet is still smooth while still limiting its movement once the catches are closed:
Nearside has pins behind the catches and one either side of the exhaust opening,
Offsite has pins behind the catches only.