What I thought was a simple 3x bolt in part needed a little room made on the sump & the starter casing to get the top bolt head in:
All set - save the bottom bolt which I can't access yet:
Alternator brackets
I cribbed David's 'fitting the alternator' page for instruction, it looks like the kit changed slightly in terms of bolt types etc, but clearly shows the intention behind the brackets. All bolts into blind holes have thread lock as well as being torqued & most have shake proof washers.I didn't install the alternator itself or top bracket yet - they use the same bolt position as the engine lifting shackle, it should be easy enough to fix once the engine is in place and the shackle removed.
Update - October 14 - I should have cleaned off the powder coat on at least one of these brackets to ensure the alternator body has a good earth.
Some heating pipe foam padding temporarily installed in the engine bay to try and avoid any accidental chips/scratches on the powder coat. Ready to drop the engine in:
I've seen another blog using card/cereal packet sides to protect the engine mount plates (instead of masking tape as I have in this picture) - presumably because its easier to remove/slide out . i.e. both protect the plates while the engine is being lowered in, but then they need removing to bolt everything up - with the engine in situ.
Before installing the engine brackets I must check:
- Loom is the right side of the gearbox
- Space for the alternator against the offside chassis tube