Sunday, 11 November 2012

Scuttle - #1

Time to fit the scuttle; 

First the firewall needs its final fit and rivnuts in place. I used low profile rivnuts; the ones on the chassis cross tube sit right at the front edge with the firewall panel lined up on its rear edge. This is all then bolted up tight along with the pedal box cover to give a datum for the scuttle panel:

It will all come off again before I'm done, for some foam draft strip to seal the removable parts & some washers under the bolts.

Scuttle panel

The scuttle panel is much easier to deal with than the rear panel, I used the same technique - rolled up towel to push into the corner, without kinking, as I rolled up the ends:

Just sat on top initially, I bolted down the offside to check the fit, but that leaves the nearside end high and dry - working from one end is not the way to go. This did let me identify where the panel needed some fitting though - a couple of notches/squares cut out of the leading edge:

Then working from the centre tab to either side drilling and holding with clecos, this should pull either side round to sit on the side tubes: