Saturday 2 February 2013

Fuel system leaks and trouble

Low Pressure Pump

My low pressure fuel pump was still leaking, and so much the fuel actually destroyed its mounting rubber. Consulted RhoCar - its probably not an issue with the pump but rather the brass hose tail which screws into it needs PTFE to seal the joint.

First go - stopped about 80% of the leak, but not quite perfect - it will have to come off again and have a few more winds of tape:

This is the destroyed mounting rubber for the fuel pump, the petrol was welling on the top of the rubber which miss shaped it and completely detached the top mounting plate; I'll have to find another one from somewhere:

Swirl Pot

While testing the LP pump with engine running I took a look around the whole car & noticed a yellow residue at the bottom plate of the swirl pot... hmmm... where is that coming from?

It looks like the swirl pot has a weep/leak when under pressure from the weld join on the top edge (hi-lighted in the red box).

This will have to come out - whether its repaired or replaced it will need draining and removing. 

Bother ! - didn't really need this extra job.

I'll have a chat with GBS and see what the options are. I think its a manufacturing defect.